How Often Should You Massage Neck Pain for Maximum Relief?

Massage is a great way to relieve neck pain in the short term, and receiving regular massages can be incredibly beneficial. One study found that receiving a 60-minute massage two or three times a week was more effective for people with neck pain than receiving a 60-minute massage once a week or a few 30-minute massages a week. While a single self-massage can make you feel rejuvenated, that feeling won't last forever. To get the most out of the rewards, regular self-massage treatments are essential.

The frequency and duration of the massage will depend on the type of massage and the area you want to target. For example, massages for injuries tend to be more frequent, while relaxation massages are needed less often. A general rule of thumb is that a 10- to 15-minute massage a day is all you need to help relieve pain and tension. Start by massaging slowly while focusing on muscle trigger points for about 30 to 60 seconds. It's normal for muscle trigger points to be quite sore and tender afterwards.

This pain should go away on its own within 24 hours. Remember that applying just a little pressure, not too much, for extended periods can often help tissues to be released more effectively. When your body starts to feel stiff or sore, you'll know it's time to get another massage. When you're looking for a “massage” near me to treat neck-related pain, you can choose how far to take your massage. Relief is the easiest benefit to achieve with massage with the least financial, time or physical investment.

One massage can relieve neck pain, two massage treatments can even better reduce the effects of pain. They are usually separated by no more than a week. The relief massage is reactive: now I have pain and I want to feel better. The treatment sessions also evaluated range of motion and looked at how the patient's body compensated for neck pain, something the average person can't do. While the benefits of massage may be temporary, they may play a role in controlling painful crises and helping to improve quality of life.

Also known as connective tissue massage, there are a wide variety of definitions for deep tissue massage, depending on the therapist's techniques and philosophies. Even in cases where only the neck is symptomatic, massage is usually applied to the neck, shoulders and back, because all these regions are connected. However, a good massage can be a great source of relief, especially for those who have health problems such as carpal tunnel syndrome or arthritis. Fredrick Wilson, spine specialist at the Cleveland Clinic, emphasized the need to use a professional massage therapist. Instead of waiting for the pain to get the better of you, you can practice using self-massage techniques on a daily basis.

To further complicate matters, there are a wide variety of types of massage therapy and challenges when it comes to measuring how massage therapy is applied, which can make it a difficult treatment to study. But if you want to get the most out of your self-massage experience, a massage gun will give you the right boost and ease the pain without breaking the bank. For example, some massage therapists use special oils or other scents for aromatherapy, which in some cases may improve relaxation or enjoyment. Some studies have shown that neck massage can alleviate some neck pain and improve range of motion, especially when performed by a trained professional several times a week for several weeks. Compared to people who did not receive massages, people who received massages three times a week were almost five times more likely to have a clinically significant (i.e., significant or noticeable) improvement in function and more than twice as likely to report a clinically significant decrease in pain. Rarely, when a massage is applied too forcefully or if there is a pre-existing neck injury, the massage can cause serious complications, such as damage to the vertebral arteries and strokes.

On the other hand, the incorrect or excessive use of a massage gun can result in injury, sensitivity, and pain.

Mark Szymonik
Mark Szymonik

Proud pop culture maven. Infuriatingly humble musicaholic. Total pop culture specialist. Extreme travel aficionado. Passionate coffee specialist.