Deep tissue massage is a type of massage therapy that uses stronger pressure and can cause more pain. It is often used to treat injuries or chronic pain, and it is not uncommon for people to experience some pain during the massage. However, this pain should not last longer than a day or two, and it should not prevent you from moving normally. If you experience more severe pain, you should contact a doctor.
The reasons for this vary depending on the treatment area and the reason for the massage. Massage therapists should be aware of the potential risks associated with deep tissue massage and be prepared to manage high-risk situations. Sports performance may be slightly affected by pre-event massaging, but this is usually not a major concern for most people. Before beginning a massage, it is important to discuss your expectations, the amount of pressure you want to feel, your previous experience with massage, and any pre-existing conditions.
Reflexology is a special type of massage that is often used to treat nerve pain by focusing on specific points on the legs. This can help reduce tension and nerve pain. It is important to look for a certified and licensed massage therapist who knows how to do their job properly. A light, relaxing massage such as a Swedish massage should not cause any soreness afterwards.
However, it is important to remember that “no pain no gain” does not always apply when it comes to massage therapy, as it can cause other painful symptoms in your muscles if they are tensed in order to escape the pain caused by the treatment. Massage therapy is not completely safe, and it is possible that other adverse effects may appear in a large enough survey. It is important to be aware of potential risks associated with deep tissue massage and to look for a certified and licensed massage therapist who knows how to do their job properly.