What to Expect After a Deep Tissue Massage

Deep tissue massage is a powerful form of massage therapy that can provide relief from chronic pain and tension. It is not uncommon to experience some discomfort or pain for a few days after the massage. To help ease the pain, you can use a heating pad or a cold compress wrapped in a towel. Although massage therapy is generally safe, deep tissue massage uses very firm pressure and may not be suitable for everyone.

After the massage is finished, applying ice to the muscle areas that received the therapist's deepest pressure can help reduce swelling and pain. In general, you can resume your normal activities immediately after a deep tissue massage. However, you may feel very relaxed or even “discouraged” for some time afterwards. It may be best to postpone strenuous or rigorous activities until another day or time. Your therapist will likely recommend drinking plenty of water after the massage. The profound nature of this approach means that there may be muscle pain after the massage.

To give your muscles time to rebuild, avoid strenuous activities for a day or two after receiving a deep tissue massage. Make sure you also drink plenty of water. An Epsom hot salt bath is an excellent way to take care of yourself after a deep tissue massage. Warm water helps muscles relax, while Epsom salt helps extract toxins from muscles and bring them to bath water. Deep tissue massage (similar to Swedish massage) uses deeper pressure to relieve recurrent muscle tension and reach the lower layers of muscle tissue.

As you can see, the benefits of a deep tissue massage are extraordinary and can be adapted to a wide variety of people. These moments are most likely to occur when the therapist is working on scar tissue, knots, or adhesions. Expect to be asked to take a deep breath when the person treating you is working on especially tight or deep areas of your muscles. A lot of water is needed for proper circulation and waste removal, so be sure to hydrate generously after a deep tissue massage. The goal of this treatment is to break muscle tension, adhesions and scar tissue that is often found in deeper muscles, so the therapist is likely to apply great pressure.

Deep tissue massage is not appropriate for everyone because it uses strong movements and manipulations. A massage therapist is a licensed professional who uses the practical manipulation of the body's soft tissues to improve a person's well-being both physically and mentally. You can also maintain communication during the deep tissue massage by contacting your therapist if the pain is too much for you. Talk to your doctor, physical therapist, or massage therapist to find out if deep tissue massage is worth trying in your situation. With the time and financial commitment dedicated to receiving a deep tissue massage, it's important to prepare ahead of time and have a plan for what to do next. However, some people may often feel afraid of receiving a deep tissue massage when they learn that there may be some pain or discomfort related to the process.

The primary purpose of most massage techniques are muscles and connective tissues, including tendons and fascia. The therapist may first warm up the muscles with light pressure, before massaging the target area with slow movements and applying deep pressure with the hands, arms, or elbows. Whether you only have a few knots or many, a deep tissue massage will offer you abundant, positive, and long-lasting side effects. A person can consult with a health care provider to make sure it is safe to receive a deep tissue massage.

Mark Szymonik
Mark Szymonik

Proud pop culture maven. Infuriatingly humble musicaholic. Total pop culture specialist. Extreme travel aficionado. Passionate coffee specialist.