Massage therapy is a powerful tool for improving physical and mental well-being. It can help relax muscle tissue, reduce nerve compression, increase joint space and range of motion, and reduce pain and improve function. Massage can also induce a relaxation response, which can reduce heart rate, respiratory rate and blood pressure, boost the immune system, and decrease the physical effects of stress. It can also help relieve tension headaches, migraines, chronic discomfort associated with fibromyalgia, carpal tunnel syndrome, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and more.
The evolution of massage chairs to current luxury models has certainly eliminated any real difference between the use of a massage chair and human massage. A professional therapist will be able to accurately determine the source of your pain and help you achieve the perfect massage regimen. It's common to feel relaxed, tired, or even sore after a massage. This is because the masseur works his muscles.
After a massage, it may look like you've completed a workout. It is possible to experience a headache or nausea after a massage. Part of this is due to the increase in serotonin and the decrease in cortisol levels experienced during the massage. Today, massages are more frequently offered alongside standard treatment for a wide range of medical conditions and situations, including mental health issues. Massage should not be done directly on tumors, and people with healing wounds or nerve damage should avoid pressure on affected areas of the body. When you're stressed, sore, or simply exhausted, one of the first things that probably comes to mind is the need for a massage.
Much more than just a personal care whim, there are many health benefits of massage you can experience.