Getting a massage after a workout can be beneficial in many ways. It helps reduce muscle pain by reducing inflammation and accelerates cellular recovery, which can reduce recovery time. Studies have shown that sports massage may not help muscles recover faster for performance, but it can help reduce sports injuries by massaging deep tissue, improving flexibility and reducing the risk of injury. It is also known to relax muscles before exercise, so they work properly and you get the best results.
Massage can also increase the three key chemicals in the brain that help improve mood, serotonin, noradrenaline and dopamine. However, it is important to keep in mind that the massage should be done as soon as possible after the exercise. A review found evidence that the massage worked, while other commonly used tactics of ice, stretching, and low-intensity exercise had no effect. Massage also did not decrease the amount of lactic acid in the muscles.
It is recommended to talk to your massage therapist first and discuss any concerns you may have so they can advise you on what would be the best option for you. In conclusion, getting a massage after a workout can be beneficial in many ways. It can also help reduce sports injuries by massaging deep tissue, improving flexibility and reducing the risk of injury. Massage can also increase the three key chemicals in the brain that help improve mood, serotonin, noradrenaline and dopamine.