Where Can Massage Therapists Work?

Medical massage therapists typically work in hospitals and medical clinics, where they must be flexible with the healthcare environment. This can be very different from the typical spa environment, as there are some important differences between the two. Massage therapists can also work in private clinical settings, recreational facilities such as gyms and health clubs, and hotels. To become certified, a massage therapist must have graduated from a state-licensed massage program with at least 500 hours of formal training and have passed the national NCBTMB exam.

Additionally, some larger agencies give massage therapists a certain number of hours each week or month, and teams may hire clinical massage therapists to work with their athletes. A massage therapy diploma opens up a wide variety of career options for those who are willing to put in the time and effort to attend school and earn a diploma. After experimenting with a dozen different types of massage therapy, many massage therapists lean toward general services. Medical massages help reduce pain and stress, especially in patients with cancer or fibromyalgia or in hospice patients.

In the same sense of physical health and sports well-being, clinical massage therapists can also work in recreational facilities such as gyms and health clubs. This monopoly is slowly giving way to independent massage therapists who work in hotels on a regular basis and offer a full menu of services to tourists. While injury rehabilitation is one of the cases in which athletes may request a clinical massage, it can also help them maintain their health and not feel so fatigued in the middle of a competition season. Drive several kilometers in any city and you'll probably pass several opportunities, including day spas and franchised massages, clinics and salons that offer massages. Department of Education as the national accrediting agency for post-secondary schools, departments of cosmetology, arts and sciences, and massage therapy. To be certified by the National Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork Certification Board (NCBTMB), a massage therapist must have graduated from a state-licensed massage program with at least 500 hours of formal training and have passed the national NCBTMB exam.

Mark Szymonik
Mark Szymonik

Proud pop culture maven. Infuriatingly humble musicaholic. Total pop culture specialist. Extreme travel aficionado. Passionate coffee specialist.