Are you a massage therapist looking to make your business profitable? You're not alone. Many massage therapists struggle to make a living wage, let alone a massage wage that allows them to live a life of safety, relaxation, personal care, education, and adventure. The key to success is understanding how to increase revenues and reduce costs. With the right mindset and business practices, you can create a financially healthy massage practice. Sales aren't a bad word and money isn't a bad word.
There is nothing unenlightened or greedy about making money as a masseuse. Many of us have had, or have, a disempowering relationship with money. That's all that has to disappear. We also have this attitude that massage has to be affordable for everyone.
Your business has to work for you first and foremost, not for your customers. Don't make the mistake of charging what you think others can afford; charge based on what your company needs to obtain with your services to pay all expenses, taxes and your salary. Do the math and whatever that number is per hour, it will count for whatever it is. Solving a particular common problem or being known for a specialty will allow you to get higher prices and stand out in a sea of masseuses. Coffee, cigarettes and pizza are cheap and available on demand; masseuses shouldn't be any of those things. To be successful, you must learn to run a business and learn to love numbers.
Take courses that develop your business skills to support the practical skills you've learned. Financial education, marketing and the establishment of a strong system of service standards are fundamental for all companies. Eliminating tips can also help increase profits. Many customers return because they know in advance what to expect to pay for. There is an element of respect that comes from customers when you have enough confidence in your services to eliminate the acceptance of tips, and that respect translates into more bookings. With the right mindset and business practices, you can create a financially healthy massage practice.
Money is necessary to earn a living doing what you like; there's nothing unenlightened or greedy about making money as a masseuse.