Neck strains can be incredibly uncomfortable and can cause a great deal of pain and discomfort. Fortunately, massage therapy can be an effective way to reduce tension in the muscles that cause the neck to harden. While you can do some massages yourself, it is recommended to ask a partner to give you a massage or to visit a professional for help. This allows you to relax and get the most out of the massage.
When receiving a massage, it is important to let your doctor know if it is uncomfortable or too rough. Studies have shown that 30-minute massages two or three times a week, one-hour massages one, two or three times a week, and a comparison group that did not receive any massages all had different results. While the benefits of massage may be temporary, they can play a role in managing pain crises and helping to improve quality of life. Massage therapy is most effective when given in a progressive series of sessions that gradually deepen with less sensitivity.
There are a wide variety of types of massage therapy and challenges in measuring how massage therapy is applied, which can make it a difficult treatment to study. For example, some massage therapists use special oils or other scents for aromatherapy, which in some cases can improve relaxation or enjoyment. This routine uses a combination of Swedish massage, myofascial therapy and structural integration techniques. Compared to people who didn't receive any massage, people who received massages three times a week were nearly five times more likely to have a clinically significant improvement in function and more than twice as likely to report a clinically significant decline of pain.
Rarely, when a massage is applied too strongly or if there is a pre-existing neck injury, the massage can cause serious complications, such as damage to the vertebral arteries and a stroke. Perform moderate kneading movements that include the upper trapezius and the lifting scapula, as well as the entire back line of the neck. Massage therapy generally involves using the hands to manipulate soft tissues, such as muscles and tendons, to increase blood circulation, reduce muscle tension and promote a sense of better well-being. Pressing the trigger points (self-massaging the trigger point) can help release the tight muscle knots in the neck.
As massage therapists learn quickly, neck pain and neck injuries affect thousands of people every day. Many degenerative conditions are moderate and massage therapy is effective in restoring soft tissue. In conclusion, massage therapy can be an effective way to reduce tension in the muscles that cause neck strain. It is important to let your doctor know if it is uncomfortable or too rough. Massage therapy is most effective when given in a progressive series of sessions that gradually deepen with less sensitivity.