Massage therapy is a practice of kneading or manipulating a person's muscles and other soft tissue to improve their well-being or health. It can help treat conditions such as stress-related tension, cancer-related fatigue, sleep disorders, high blood pressure, diabetes, low back pain and depression, just to name a few. One of the immediate benefits of massage is a feeling of deep relaxation and calm. This occurs because the massage causes the release of endorphins, the brain's chemicals (neurotransmitters) that produce feelings of well-being. Trigger point therapy involves applying pressure to sensitive muscle tissue to relieve pain and dysfunction in other parts of the body.
Trigger points are active centers of muscle hyperactivity, which often intersect with acupuncture points. The following video shows how a customer can do an automatic trigger point massage with a small ball. Massage can reduce pain and anxiety in people with chronic diseases, such as cancer, and reduce the physiological burden of stress. It can also relieve stress and help with health problems such as fibromyalgia and high blood pressure. Effective massage therapists determine the needs of each person and then use the techniques that best suit those needs. The therapist may first warm up the muscles with light pressure, before massaging the target area with slow movements and applying deep pressure with the hands, arms, or elbows.
Mohr suggests that massage therapists use the forearm, supported fingers, or fist when considering ways to build strength during a massage therapy session, moving away from both the thumb and the elbow. A therapist may ask people to lie on their side or front on a massage table, depending on the massage area. A person can consult with a health care provider to make sure it is safe to receive a deep tissue massage. Massage therapy websites also suggest that deep tissue massage may help you sleep better, improve sports performance, and break up scar tissue.Parents who have not experienced therapeutic massage on their own or who have doubts about its effectiveness may be interested in the results of research studies, especially those conducted in groups of children. If the child has cancer, massage is not recommended if the cancer is the type that can spread to other organs (metastatic cancer) or if it involves tissue damage due to chemotherapy or other treatment. Deep tissue massage can be an effective treatment method for various conditions, including sports injuries and back pain.
Applying pressure during the massage releases accumulated pressure on muscles, tendons and ligaments. This often relieves any nerve compression and reduces pain. In the initial session, the massage therapist will ask you questions about your health and the symptoms you're experiencing to determine the best treatment for you. With regular sessions, you can experience improved circulation, increased flexibility and range of motion, reduced stress levels and improved overall well-being.